Sunday Gatherings



Sunday, at the Vineyard, is all about celebrating and worshipping God together. It's also where we come to be equipped to "Go in to all the world..." 

What can I expect if I visit?

First of all, things are really informal around here. So, you don't have to "dress up" to come to church. After we have supped our coffee (or tea) and indulged in a sticky doughnut or cake (served from 10am), we start our meetings with a time of worship. Our worship has been described as being contemporary in style and is usually led by a band – guitars, keys, bass and drums. You are welcome to participate if you wish or simply sit back and listen. 

After worship, the kids are escorted out to their activities while the grown-ups listen to a 25 to 30 minute talk based on the Bible. We strive to make the teachings of the Bible as clear and relevant to our every-day lives as we can. 

After this, we usually end by setting aside some time for people to receive prayer. 

The whole service lasts for around an hour and 30 minutes from the start of worship.